DIM-00-02 Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

The course focuses on discussions and knowledge sharing that lead to understanding. Guidance is given to ensure participants will be able to apply what they have learnt.

Train the trainer sessions (DI-DIM-TTT)

This course aims to equip facilitators to assist and empower citizens (school learners, community youth and adults) to participate safely on digital platforms. This will be achieved by training and equipping facilitators to facilitate their own public training sessions and present the core concepts addressed in this course.

On completing this course, facilitators should understand:

  • How to facilitate group learning effectively
  • Concepts related to identity management and identity theft;
  • Identity risks in the physical world (documents, bank cards and devices)
  • Identity risks in the digital world (information, applications and networks)

On completing this course, facilitators should be able to:

  • Discuss any topics covered in this guide
  • Research and extend their resources for supporting course delivery
  • Structure a presentation on key topics for DI-DIM Public audience sessions
  • Guide public participants through key concepts and approaches to digital identity management

Public sessions (DI-DIM)

This course, facilitated by a contracted UWC-Colab Service Provider, aims to assist and empower citizens (teachers, social influencers, school learners, community youth and others) to participate safely on digital platforms.

On completing this course, public participants should understand:

  • Concepts related to identity management and identity theft;
  • Identity risks in the physical world (documents, bank cards and devices)
  • Identity risks in the digital world (information, applications and networks)

On completing this course, public participants should be able to:

  • Develop Password Strategies
  • Manage their digital identities
  • Manage their online reputation
  • Identify information gathering attempts
  • Identify and avoid risky activity