DIM-00-01 Target Audience

Target Audience

Train the Trainer sessions (DI-DIM-TTT)

The Digital Identity Management Train the Trainer sessions would be done in groups of between 8 participants (minimum) and 16 participants (maximum). Participants will be exposed to all elements of the DI-DIM course and associated toolbox of resources, during a one-day workshop (6 Hours).

Each participant should have interest and an open mind about digital security prior to attending the sessions. Due to the structure of the course, full and active participation is essential. This means participants must spend some quality time preparing for workshop.

Public audience sessions (DI-DIM)

Facilitators that have successfully completed the DI-DIM-TTT course, and met the conditions of service provider contracting as specified by UWC-Colab, will present on the subject to public audiences.

The Digital Identity Management public sessions would be presented, by accredited facilitators, to groups of 20 people (minimum) and 30 (maximum), typically conducted as an interactive discussion workshop of 4-5 hours.

A mixture of high school leaners, unemployed youth and community members from disadvantaged communities are the ideal beneficiaries of the workshops. Participants should be exposed to the use of digital devices and services and as such may have concerns regarding potential digital security issues.