To Review Discussions, delegates may still access materials in the “Mobile Technology in Support of SME Business” that they completed as a prerequisite for this course. Materials include videos where each discussion was presented as well as supporting notes.
- Things you Do in Your Business
- Making Sense of Smartphone Applications
- Understanding the Internet
- Interaction Tools Fit for Business
Making Sense of Smartphone Apps Poster
Things you do in your business video
Understanding the Internet
Making Sense of Smartphone Applications
Interaction Tools Fit for Business
To prepare for the final assessment, delegates can review the assessment questions and activities online. Once potential trainers have complete the TTT workshop, they will receive a copy of the assessment to allow delegates to prepare before completing the final online assessment..
Delegates must ensure they have setup a YouTube channel that can host their assessment videos for streaming. Markers and Moderators will access these videos after course completion. Videos must remain accessible until certification completed.
Submission Dates:
Please consult the Course Key Dates Tab on your menu, or click on link to Course Key Dates
Assessment PDF: Download this PDF for your own review. Once you have prepared your response, upload your document for marking. Should you wish to upload a revised document, delete your previously uploaded document and upload a new replacement.
Assessment SME-Tech TTT 20181126
When running the SME-Tech course, there are a few posters that can be printed on A1/A2 size paper for display in the training room. Alternatively these can be printed out by the trainer as handouts for course participants. These posters serve multiple purposes: gathering information, sharing information and facilitating discussion. Having posters available for viewing during breaks allows delegates to revisit ideas discussed.
Required for Each SME-Tech Course Delivered:
- Things You Do in Your Business – Details seven key activity areas that all businesses should be active in
- Making Sense of Smartphone Applications – Show examples of applications in all three categories of Smartphone Applications
- Exercise Plan -This poster shows students to see the flow of exercises (optional and mandatory) that they will do over the two days.
Trainers must be familiar with the slides used when presenting the SME-Tech course. The file below is a PDF file containing all the slides. Trainers can present from the PDF file on a PC using Full Screen Mode. This is similar to presenting using Powerpoint but does not require the Microsoft Powerpoint Software. Potential trainers will receive a slide-deck after completion of the TTT workshop and having been contracted to deliver workshops on behalf of a Colab.
DI-SME Slides UWC 20181102
The file below is a PDF Guide for Registered Trainers.
Trainers must be familiar with the contents of this guide and use it for preparing and deliver the SME-Tech course. The guide can be viewed online or downloaded for offline review. On registration and completion of the TTT Workshop, potential trainers will be emailed a copy for their use in preparing for the assessment.
The guide addresses the following key focus areas:
- SME-Tech Course Flow – Familiarise Trainers with proposed Course flow and timing when delivering the SME-Tech course in future.
- SME-Tech Training Infrastructure Needs – Equipment, Tools and Infrastructure needs to support the activities participants will engage in during SME-Tech training.
- SME-Tech Discussion Plan – Overview and sequence of Supporting Discussions that provide context for participants prior to undertaking exercises.
- SME-Tech Exercise Plan – Overview and sequence of Exercises. Exercises are grouped conceptually, categorised into basic and advanced exercises and suggestions offered re exercises being required or optional to allow for flow management and adaptation to time constraints or participant progress and pace.
- Training Tips – How Learning Works, Engaging the Audience, Working with Groups, Flow Management. Ensuring facilitators are exposed to key considerations of teaching and learning to better ensure they understand how to guide delegates on their learning journey.
DI-SME TTT Guide 20180205
As educators, facilitators, trainers, tutors, coaches, or another role we play in assisting others to learn, we need to ensure we are effective.
As teachers, we teach. We cannot learn for our students. Learning is something they do. All we can do is work to understand how learning works, and then to teach in the best possible way to facilitate desired learning outcomes.
As an introduction into effective teaching, review the video posted below: